- Cultivate enthusiasm and enjoyment for scientific learning and discovery.
- Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding across the various aspects of the science curriculum, recognising its application in everyday life.
- Develop an understanding of nature, processes and methods of science through diverse types of scientific inquiries, enabling learners to answer questions about the world around them.
- Develop a range of methods to communicate scientific information and present it systematically and scientifically.
- Develop respect for the materials and equipment learners handle, ensuring the safety of themselves and those around them.
- The National Curriculum for science is taught to all year groups.
- The ‘Big Ideas’ of Science are recurring themes that appear throughout the curriculum in all series. Each Learning Point that is taught will link to a ‘Big Idea’. The ‘Big Ideas’ focus on the 4 main components of scientific knowledge: Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth Science.
- A clear progression in knowledge, skills and vocabulary is taught throughout the school to ensure coverage is met; the sequence builds on skills and progression is clear throughout.
- Sequencing of units and lessons allows for children to connect previously taught knowledge from across the curriculum to new learning in order to help make connections and understand new learning.
- Retrieval lessons and starters are used to activate previously taught knowledge in order to consolidate prior learning and make synoptic links between topics; they are also used as an assessment strategy.
- Key vocabulary is shared and discussed at the start of each unit and then revisited in future lessons; it is displayed clearly in the classroom environment.
- Teachers assess and adapt learning for all groups of learners, specifically providing support and challenge for learners with SEND and those who are Disadvantaged.
- Learning Questions stimulate learners' curiosity and independence.
- Lessons provide a range of opportunities for investigation and inquiry through open ended investigations.
- Springfield scientists have a solid foundation for understanding the world around them by carefully thinking about it and testing their guesses with observations and experiments.
- Springfield scientists have high engagement and enjoyment in science.
- Springfield scientists talk confidently about their learning.