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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Springfield Primary School

Springfield Primary School Curriculum Overview

At Springfield Primary, our vision is to provide a settled, safe and happy environment where pupils thrive with high aspirations. We nurture creativity, curiosity and resilience, fostering progress and motivation. Through collaboration, we cultivate essential social skills and empathy. Our goal is to ensure every pupil is engaged, confident and well-prepared for a successful and fulfilling future, contributing positively to the world around them.


We use the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework and the primary national curriculum, including programmes of study and attainment targets, for all subjects at key stage 1 (KS1) and key stage 2 (KS2). Our choses systematic synthetic phonics teaching programme (SSP) is Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS). 


Our curriculum is in service to our young learners and their communities.

Reading is the foundation of all curriculum decisions. 

EYFS focuses heavily on the unique child, building a clear, supportive and challenging curriculum around them. 

Aspirational progression of knowledge and skills.

Regular practice and opportunities to revisit and secure early knowledge and skills which are fundamental to success. 

High expectations of behaviour built through focused relationships. 

Technology is used to enhance learning.


Our teaching strategies are based on the research-led practice of WalkThrus, which are proven to have high levels of impact on teaching and learning. Our core WalkThru’s strategies incorporate four principle areas: behaviour and relationships, practice and retrieval, explaining and modelling and questioning and feedback. 


Pre-teaching of vocabulary is prioritised as our main intervention strategy across all subjects. A research based marking and feedback policy is implemented across the school to ensure all learners receive high quality feedback commensurate to learning. Misconceptions are addressed early and learning is moved on quickly. 


Ongoing teacher assessment of children’s learning in all subjects is used to inform planning and implementation of targeted support. Teachers develop a clear and accurate picture of each learner’s successes and areas for growth. Regular, robust moderation of learners’ work against the national curriculum is used to assess foundation subjects. 

Statutory assessments are completed at the end of EYFS and KS2 (Year 6). Year 1 complete the phonics screening check. Year 4 complete the multiplication tables check. The optional KS1 tests are completed at the end of KS1 (Year 2). Half-termly HeadStart assessments are used to support teacher assessment and inform planning against the national curriculum attainment targets.