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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Springfield Primary School

Special Educational Needs


At Springfield Primary School we aim to offer all our pupils rich and exciting learning opportunities that will nurture them to achieve, develop and inspire them to do their very best. We understand that children learn in different ways and sometimes, some children need something a little more than the high quality teaching we provide. When this happens we work with you, your child and your child’s class teacher to develop ways that allow your child to learn in the right way for them.  We use a graduated approach to support your child’s learning journey. A journey that we hope will see your child thrive now and in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher in the first instance.

Our SENDCO's, supports teachers and teaching assistant in their day to day SEND work, has an overview of all SEND support in school and works alongside the Senior Leadership Team and SEND Governor. She also refers to and then liaises with other professionals who work alongside our children such as Educational Psychologists, Speech Therapist, Physiotherapists and many others.

Our SENDCO's are Miss L Holton and Mrs C Cox.

Links for Parents:

Bedford Borough Local Offer- https://www.localoffer.bedford.gov.uk/

The Parent Carer Forum- https://www.bbpcf.org.uk/

CHUMS - https://chums.uk.com/

Autism Bedfordshire - https://www.autismbedfordshire.net/ttps://www.autismbedfordshire.net/

Carer Support Sevices - https://carersinbeds.org.uk/


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