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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Springfield Primary School



  • Develop independent learners to discover answers to their own questions through exploration and research.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of our world and their place within it.
  • Develop geographical skills needed to collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes.
  • Develop geographical skills and knowledge through studying places, people and natural and human environments, in order to deepen learners’ understanding of the Earth’s human and physical forms and processes.


  • The National Curriculum for geography is taught to all year groups.
  • A clear progression in knowledge, skills and vocabulary is taught throughout the school to ensure coverage is met; the sequence builds on skills and progression is clear throughout. 
  • Retrieval starters are used to activate previously taught knowledge in order to consolidate prior learning and make synoptic links between topics; it is also used as an assessment strategy.
  • Key vocabulary is shared and discussed at the start of each topic and then revisited in future lessons; it is displayed clearly in the classroom environment. 
  • Teachers assess and adapt learning for all groups of learners, specifically providing support and challenge for learners with SEND and those who are Disadvantaged.
  • Learning Questions stimulate learners’ curiosity and independence.
  • The local learning area is fully utilised, providing extensive opportunities to use this space as an extra classroom to enhance teaching and learning in geography.
  • Cross-curricular links are made to wider parts of the curriculum when they naturally fit but this is never forced to ensure deep levels of geography knowledge and skills are always prioritised.


  • Springfield geographers can generate their own questions to study through fieldwork and observation. 
  • Outcomes in geography books evidence a broad and balanced geography curriculum demonstrating children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge, vocabulary and a progression in skills.
  • Springfield geographers have a solid understanding of the diverse regions and cultures of our world. 
  • Springfield geographers gain the knowledge and skills needed to discuss geographical issues and reflect on and form their own opinions about matters like climate change and natural disasters.
  • Springfield geographers are respectful citizens, committed to understanding global environmental issues and contributing to the protection and shaping of our shared world.
  • Springfield geographers have high engagement and enjoyment in geography.

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