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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Springfield Primary School

Our Governors

Who is on the Governing Body?

Our governors provide an exceptional level of challenge and support to our school on a voluntary basis with the sole ambition of raising standards and achievement.

The role the Local Governing Body is to:

  • implement and administer the Trust’s policies at local level and report termly to the Board of Trustees

  • monitor and be accountable for the performance and standards of the school to Ofsted

  • govern exclusions in accordance with appropriate regulations

  • consider budget monitoring information and proposals

  • act as a critical friend to the Headteacher

  • represent the views of the community


Name Role Date of Appointment
Laura Townsend Chair of Local Governing Board 05.02.2024
Monique Berry Headteacher/Ex-Offico 01.09.2023
Koron Cooper

Staff Governor

Nicola Covington Trust Link 01.09.2024
Emma Maguire  Co-opted Governor 01.06.2023
Alex Martin Community Governor 01.06.2023
Tomara Toyer Community Governor 01.06.2023
Sarah Vincent Community Governor 02.10.2023


Governors Terms of Office 

Governors Business Interests 2024-2025

Govenor Attendance Records 23-24 


Contacting us

Most queries about Springfield Primary School and the progress or welfare of any individual child should be directed to the school itself.

If you need to contact the Local Governing Body then letters directed to us should be sent to the school c/o Clerk to Governors for our attention.  Alternatively you can email the clerk using the email address clerk@springfieldprimaryschool.org.uk 

Scheme of Delegation & Accounts

 For further information on our governance Scheme of Delegation and accounts please click here

Chiltern Learning Trust - Scheme of Delegation & Accounts