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Springfield Primary School

PE & Sports Premium

At Springfield Primary School we recognise the value of sports and physical activity in ensuring that children lead active, healthy and happy lives.

PE and Sport provide our children with opportunities to develop the important qualities of self-control, determination, communication, team work and commitment. This should lead to improved concentration, attitude and achievement in all aspects of their personal development.

We have welcomed the Government’s additional funding to improve provision of PE and Sport in primary schools. We are committed to using this funding to enhance our provision of high quality PE, both within and beyond the curriculum and to add to our existing resources.

The Government are continuing to allocate funding to schools to improve physical health and wellbeing. They will allocate this extra funding directly to primary schools.

Schools can choose how they use the funding, for example to:

  • hire specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers during PE lessons
  • support and involve the least active children by running after-school sports clubs and holiday clubs, e.g. the Change4life clubs
  • provide resources and training course in PE and sport for teachers
  • run sport competitions or increase pupils’ participation in the School Games
  • run sports activities with other schools

For more information CLICK HERE.

Springfield Primary School Impact of Sport Premium 23-24