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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Springfield Primary School

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Contact Details

Springfield Primary School
Orchard Street
MK42 7LJ

Tel: 01234 306000
Email: office@springfieldprimaryschool.org.uk
Twitter: @SpringfieldBeds

Facebook - SpringfieldBeds

For all school and admission enquiries please contact Mrs S Keely,  Miss R Ruddell or Mrs K Minney using the above email address.  

Paper copies of any information on this website is available, upon request, free of charge. 


Our Headteacher is Miss M Berry.  If you wish to contact our Headteacher please use the above details.


​Our SENDCo in school is Miss L Holton.  If you wish to contact our SENDCO  please email directly on sendco@springfieldprimaryschool.org.uk  

Local Governing Board

Our Chair of the Local Governing Board is Mrs L Townsend.  If you wish to contact our Chair please contact the Clerk directly on clerk@springfieldprimaryschool.org.uk

Paperless Communications

We are always looking to reduce our carbon footprint so should you wish to receive newsletters and letters via email, could you please subscribe below. Safeguarding is a key priority so office staff will verify subscribers’ details.

The school office also keep some spare copies of newsletters and other correspondence. Please ask at the office if you need an extra copy.

Chiltern Learning Trust

We are part of the Chiltern Learning Trust.  Registered in England and Wales, company registration number 7559901.

Chiltern Learning Trust 
Redgrave Centre
Redgrave Gardens

Tel: 01582 550950
Website: www.chilternlearningtrust.org

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